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Our Nation, Our Planet, Our Rights

Using Our voice to plan and take action

The People, Their Society, Their Govern-ment

            The government is created as a stem from society, which is created by the people. Therefore, the government is created by the people. As the people, it is our duty to ensure the success of the government and reform it when it fails; after all, it will be our generation that is the first society to be formed in space. Yes, the idea of man living in space sounds crazy and maybe even irrelevant considering the other pressing matters happening as we speak. I am not here to convince you to drop everything, join the space society, and reserve your crater or sand dune where you plan to reside. Instead, I ask for your help and your opinions to help me form a base for a Space Bill of Rights so if and when man does set foot in space, they can say they are there because it is their right, rather than a privilege. Take this opportunity to expand your knowledge of the space and science world. Or maybe you have no interest in space. Make this your chance to learn more about the depth and importance of our Constitution and its history and meaning, as well as the reasoning behind the laws for other countries. 

            This issue may seem irrelevant as we are sitting home during this pandemic, but this is just another one of the several issues people sweep under the rug because they think it doesn't apply to them. However, it won't seem important until we look around us and all we have left on our planet are 10 species of tuna fish and the occasional strand of grass that sprouted in the dried out ground. It won't seem important until we look around us and see that a virus or disease destroys the climate and ecosystems that keep us living, one that is much stronger than the one we are facing now. We have been given the history of the world from all points of view, now what are going to do? We need to put it to use, apply it to modern times, whether it's for space or for the reformation of government on Earth, so that way we become the leaders for the generations behind us; This is one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind.

Only Three



Small. Step.

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